Rho Upsilon Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated awarded Kristian Jackson the 2022 Wallace L. Smith, Jr. Achievement Scholarship Award on July 14, 2022, at Enterprise City Hall Chamber. The presentation was presented by the illustrious Mayor of Enterprise. Alabama Bro.  William A. Cooper along with Bro. Vernon Kearse, Chapter President, Bro. Derrick Duncan, Scholarship Chairman and Bro. Enrico Leak, Chapter Dean. Kristian is the proud daughter of Derick and Erica Henderson. She is a graduated of 2022 Enterprise High School, where she excelled in academic studies earning a GPA of 3.83. She was a member of the Enterprise girl varsity basketball team. She provided countless volunteer services for several community organizations in Enterprise, and Troy area.  Kristian plans to attend Alabama State University in the fall of 2022 and pursue a degree in Biology/ Premed.