On December 9, 2023 the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Rho Upsilon Lambda Chapter held their Black and Gold Scholarship Gala.  The theme was The Golden Masquerade.  It was held at the Landing located on Fort Novosel.  This was a time to reflect, socialize, and give thanks to those who have been a part of the growth over the years.

During the event the Brothers remembered Brother Andre Green, who was loved by us all.  The brothers shared a few kind words and presented a slide show with pictures of Brother Green participating with brothers throughout the year.

The Scholarship Committee gave a report of the scholarship money and who received the funds.  They also gave update on the students and let everyone know which colleges they chose to attend.

The brothers ended the presentation with the singing of the Fraternal Hymn.  The dance floor was opened up and everyone danced the night away.  The event was a success thanks to the efforts of both young and old members who worked together.  This is truly the Alpha Way.  Scholarship, Manly Deeds, and Love for ALL Mankind.

Thanks to everyone who participated and donated to this wonderful event.